We’re always looking for new and exciting additions to add to your Golf simulator. We’ve added many bolt ons to Trackman Golf simulators and Uneekor Golf simulators that get the whole familly involved.
Cinema has to be the most popular addition to the golf sim. This allows the whole family to watch films by integrating platforms like Sky Q, Netflix, Amazon to name a few. Sonos is normally our go to system when cinema use is important although we also include Loxone when home automation is always required.
Gaming is also a popular favourite and Playstation 5 is often used.
Shooting simulators have always been somewhere on the list and we’ve tried and tested quite a few. The problem like most is many of the systems we’ve tried just aren’t that accurate. Whilst budget is important, accuracy has to be high on the list for a shooting simulator. If it doesn’t feel accurate the novelty factor will soon wear off, which is exactly what we’ve found.
Well we’re pleased to say that after extensive testing we now have a system that we truly believe in and offers so much.
Now in our Oxfordshire showroom we have our new shooting simulator bolt on. Firstly let me start with the guns. The system comes with two rifles and you have the option to purchase Glock handguns if you wish. These rifles are true to life. They carry the proper weight and feel exactly as they should when shooting. They come in their very own hard gun case and the realism here is fantastic.
The technology like many of our Golf Simulators is camera based. Ceiling mounted around ball position for your simulator sits the small camera system. Ideal as its out the way and like ceiling mounted tracking devices like Uneekor or Protee VX its calibrated once on setup and that’s it. So simply turn the system on and get shooting.
Finally the software which is fantastic. The base system comes with a varied software which lots of different shooting activities. Whether it be target shooting on an indoor range. sporting clays or livestock in outdoor scenarios there really is a good selection to choose from. What’s more some of the software’s really show you detailed analysis of your shots so you have a good knowledge of your accuracy. Speaking of accuracy its so life like. With moving targets you have to shoot forward to allow for the movement.
If you’re looking for a very high end shooting simulator as an addition to your Golf simulator we highly recommend booking an appointment at our Oxfordshire Showroom so you can test for yourself or take a look at this review video by clicking here