A beautiful new garden room with kitchen area and w/c was built to house this fantastic Trackman io simulator.
The room was built with a higher ceiling than standard at the clients request and we designed the screen to be blacked out across the top so we could still frame the projected image at 16:9 ratio. There was also a small plant room so we positioned the PC/sky Q box in that room to keep clean lines in the main simulator room. Two 55″ 4K touchscreen monitors along with the Benq 4K projector make for an impressive 4K setup. We also installed full Sonos system for high quality surround sound. The sky tv feed can be used on the projector for movie nights or alternately on the left hand monitor so you can watch Tv whilst playing on the Trackman simulator.
IDS high speed cameras front and rear, along with our studio floodlights allow for full swing analysis and for the client to compare their swing to PGA Tour Professionals within the Trackman software.
Huxley black putting turf with Huxley tee turf make for our usual premium floor finish. The customers flooring company just remains to complete the rear flooring and this room is complete.
Overall a beautiful setup for this very lucky home user.